Thursday, December 15, 2022

Twitter Files and Fascism



The Hunter Biden laptop story is burbling up again, like a cold lunch taco, which is no surprise because this story is not really about Hunter Biden, or the laptop, or Covid, or even about Joe Biden's possible involvement with influence peddling.  Rather, this story has legs because it has mushroomed into one that reveals an emerging fascist cabal openly taking over our nation. With what we are learning via Twitter files this is being done with the unwitting but enthusiastic support of many who consider themselves loyal Americans defending democracy.  In fact, the distracting counter narrative put forth as more important than what some dismiss as dic pics on Hunter's laptop; the supposed insurrection of January sixth, actually folds into and reinforces the fascist cabal story.  This is a narrative which should be of great concern to us all.


Our story begins with Joe Biden's errant son Hunter dropping off his personal laptop at a computer repair shop.  Young Mr. Biden neglected to pick up said laptop and after some time had passed, the owner of the shop opened it up to look at the contents, as was his right.  Upon discovering what might be images of  illegal activities (Was that Hunter hitting on a crack pipe?  Was that him again engaged in sexual actions with a person who appears to be under age?) the owner, acting as a good citizen, brought the laptop to the FBI. 

After some more time had passed with the FBI taking no action, the owner, who had prudently made copies of the contents of the hard drive, passed a copy on to Rudy Giuliani, legal counsel to then President Donald Trump.  After examining those contents Giuliani and the Trump campaign realized that in addition to the salacious information about Hunter, there were emails on the hard drive that seemed to implicate candidate Joe Biden in at least influence peddling, if not out and out bribery involving hostile foreign governments.  Was Joe the “Big Guy” Hunter bemoaned taking his ten percent cut?  Former Biden associate Tony Bobulinski assures us Joe was most definitely referred to as “The Big Guy,” within the organization. Recognizing a gold nugget when they held it in their hands, the Trump campaign decided to launch an October surprise.

While that kind of surprise might not be the most high minded mode of politics, it is in the mainstream of American political tradition.  What's more, there might even be some substance to the doubts it cast about Joe Biden's relations with some foreign powers.  Certainly, with a needlessly awkward and disgraceful exit from Afghanistan and their questionable energy and environmental policies, the Biden administration has played into the hands of the Chinese government, one of the governments that made sweetheart deals with Hunter Biden. 

Another nation which blessed Hunter Biden with a sweetheart financial deal was Ukraine, and during the Biden administration Ukraine has received literally untold billions in unaccountable funding for their war effort against Russia.  While the war effort itself seems legitimate, even noble, the lost funds are another matter.  With the breaking FTX scandal, it seems some of those billions found their way into crypto currency speculations, and some of those funds, upwards to a billion, found their way back to America in the form of contributions to Democrat campaigns in the 2022 mid-term elections.  So it looks like possible money laundering, kickbacks, and who knows how much of that money made it into the coffers of Biden Inc?  All of which is to say that the Hunter Biden laptop story was not only not Russian disinformation, but it seems to have some real substance to it.

That, however, is not the most important aspect of this story.  Nope, the primary aspect of this story is the fascist cabal attempting to take over our nation that the laptop fiasco reveals.

First of all, here is a workable definition of Fascism which applies to both the left and right of our venerated political divide-


Now let's take a long look at that October surprise in 2020, the one that never happened.  The FBI got Hunter's laptop in late 2019, which gave them plenty of time to examine it and determine its validity.  Given that it has since been shown to be an accurate and honest revelation of Hunter Biden's activities, and given the investigative prowess of the FBI, it is impossible to conceive that they concluded it was Russian disinformation, yet it seems that is exactly what they did.

Elon Musk recently acquired Twitter, and even more recently decided to release what has come to be called the Twitter files, which document, among other issues, how Twitter came to cooperate in the squelching of the Hunter Biden laptop October surprise.

It seems some FBI agents were regularly meeting with Twitter officials, (and presumably with officials from other social media and major media companies) and at those meetings informed the officials to be on the look out for Russian disinformation, especially something concerning Hunter Biden.  So when Rudy Giuliani initiated the October surprise by giving the information to a reporter from the New York Post, who published the story, Twitter not only refused to run it, they would not allow the New York Post to post it on Twitter, nor would they allow anyone else to share it on that site.  Facebook, Snap Chat, Youtube, Google, the New York Times, the Washington Post, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS and all the other usual suspects followed suit.

What's more, with the exception of Fox News, and now Musk owned Twitter, the rest of the major media continue to squelch the story, cooperating with elements of the government who desire to silence any information which might be inconvenient to the ruling party.  Harking back to the definition of “Fascism,” which is the alliance of big government with big business against the people, we must recognize that big media is an integral part of big business, and that even if some elements of the government are operating in a rogue manner, they are still acting as agents of big government. 

Certainly, Donald Trump did not give orders for FBI agents to spoil his October surprise, and yet some of them did.  Operating with presumed authority while in fact operating outside their own chain of command, (deep state?) some rogue FBI agents coordinated with, and probably continue to coordinate with, some of the most powerful media forces in the world to deny pertinent, true and timely information to the American people.  Not only did that squelching of the truth affect our voting decisions, it is even now affecting how we respond to the issues of the day.  Twitter files, possibly the most important story in the history of our nation, has as of this moment received absolutely zero coverage on most of the media.

While this open, gushing and worsening national wound is dismissed a much ado about some dic pics, old news unworthy of our attention, we are instead distracted to focus on some text messages from Mark Meadows, which indicate that some members of congress were trying to resist accepting the dubious election results of 2020.  Good for them.  While it is clear that the election results could not, at that point, be reversed, their resistance might well have resulted in a close examination of how we could prevent that kind of electoral mischief going forward.  No illegal acts were proposed or carried out by the members of congress.

Which brings us to the non-insurrection riot of January 6, 2021.  While some idiots went too far in protest, and even the call to march to the Capitol was very ill advised, there is a much more worrisome part of that infamous day which has not been remarked on in public.  In short, it seems to this writer that someone (or maybe some folks on both sides) was trying to incite a civil war. A war like that would be brutal, stupid and very short lived, and would probably result long term in a much more powerful and controlling federal government.  Let's look at why that interpretation of J6 might make sense.

First of all, even the calling of a rally on that day on the National Mall was questionable; a pointless provocation.  This writer warned against it, and tweeted that it was a possible set up early on the morning of the sixth.  Secondly, telling the crowd to march on the Capitol was a dire mistake.  I literally cringed, and wondered aloud about “why would you play into the hands of your enemies?” when I heard Trump call for the march.  Finally, I will never understand why President Trump stalled for three hours after the rioting had started before he called on his followers to leave the Capitol.  So make no mistake, if some people were trying to incite a civil war, Trump might have been one of them.

Along with him, I would look at Nancy Pelosi.  It is very difficult to understand why she did not, given the tension of the day, call for deployment of the National Guard, which had already been approved by the White House.  In addition, I was watching, via the web, the proceedings in the House that day.  Nancy Pelosi was sitting in the Speaker's Chair moderating the debate among members of the House when the rioters started to breach the doors of the House chamber.  While everyone else in the room was confused about the rising noise, and didn't seem to know what to make of it, Speaker Pelosi had already exited the chamber without warning anyone else.  As though she knew what was coming and wanted it to cause as much trauma as possible, as long as she wasn't touched by it.

The third troubling factor from that infamous day was the behavior of, you guessed it, some FBI agents.  It turns out some agents were embedded in the crowd, and rather than trying to calm things down, they seemed to be inciting the crowd to more destructive actions.  Additionally, there were two explosive devices planted, one each, at the Democrat and Republican headquarters.  The usually very effective FBI has not yet identified who planted the bombs.

It doesn't take much imagination to figure out what might have happened, what some parties might have wanted to happen, if cooler heads, namely some of the more mature members of the huge crowd, had not prevailed.  With the riot ongoing, and one innocent young woman murdered, the mood of the masses could have become unhinged.  Fires could have been set, and much more violence could have ensued.  We already know that some on the conservative side had weapons staged to bring into play, and it is easy to believe that the Antifa forces had already made similar preparations.

As evening fell on that day, if the rioting had continued that long, it is easy to imagine armed and ready for combat forces converging on the Capitol, and a general battle ensuing.  Later in the evening, one, and then the other of the pre-planted bombs could have been set off, further escalating the conflict.  By morning the National Guard would have been deployed and in control, but the feeling would be that the next night more battling would begin, and not just in Washington DC.  After a few days of that, the nation as a whole would have been more than ready for a truly totalitarian police state to be imposed.

Which is the primary goal of the fascist agenda; one which is still on the table.  Whether as a result of a fizzled civil war, or the slowly growing government control of information (always for our own good, don't ya know?) we as a people are in a most precarious position, seemingly primed to fall under some form of totalitarian control.

Those on the left can point to Trump, and J6, along with recent Trump assertions that maybe we should suspend parts of the Constitution to reverse the 2020 election, and have some credibility in doing so.  However, they would be wise to consider their own house.  They are blithely dancing with a fascist government agency censoring true stories because the ruling party wants them censored, and then laughing about it as though their side is winning a football game by cheating.  No, the cheating you are winking at is just as much a threat to you as it is to us on the right.  A government that can, in combination with a military/ industrial / media complex put a partisan thumb on the scale of a national election, and never get called on it, can do virtually anything it wants.  It can try to incite a civil war to gain even more power, and when that attempt fizzles depict the resulting riot as a partisan insurrection, and still never get called on it.  Without accountability they can and likely will try something like that again.

They not only quashed the Hunter Biden laptop October surprise, but they are succeeding, today, at keeping that ominous story from the eyes and minds of most of the American people.  It is those people, my fellow Americans, that this is directed to.  It is those people on the left who are the real victims of these fascist machinations.

 A question must be asked of them; Are you so enamored with feelings of smug moral superiority that you are not willing to look at the truth?  If the answer is no, if you are willing to look at the truth, then look into the Twitter files articles.  Find out what they are and what they mean.  Matt Tiabbi, Bari Weiss, and Glenn Greenwald are not conservative hacks, but rather are slightly left of center journalists with solid reputations.

I will readily admit that some of the people I and other conservatives voted for might not have our best interests at heart, and so we should reject them for any un-American actions.  If you on the left are serious about defending what you call democracy it is time for you to make similar admissions. Start by admitting that the real battle in the war for our republic is the one we all must fight in the privacy of our own hearts and minds.  We all must fight against accepting false thinking, and that certainly includes you folks on the left.  In the end, if you can do that, and demand your media sources cover the most important story of this century, our democratic republic will have a fighting chance at survival. 

May God continue to bless America.











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