Sunday, September 18, 2022

Legal Abortion and God's Curses

There are a number of dire cultural and spiritual problems that still attach to the issue of abortion, even if we limit the debate to state houses of government.  The most prominent of these sticking points is epitomized by feminists who insist that abortion is strictly a women's issue, to be decided by a woman in consultation with her doctor, and that males should have no say because a man does not have a uterus.  This is first of all disingenuous rhetoric, because while a man does not have a uterus, he does have children, and therefore a natural stake in the abortion debate. More importantly, this radical feminist logic has extremely detrimental effects on society, and will lead the nation, and possibly the entire planet, toward triggering an ancient curse from God.


I was always what you could call a “sensitive” male, empathetic to the feelings and pain of others.  Some today would call that a beta male, but they would be wrong to do so.  A sensitive man does not mean a weak or cowardly man.

At around the age of twelve I read a single sentence which changed my life.  It was referring to parenting and said, “They give the most important job in the world to the people with the least experience.”  I have been considering how best to nurture and help children develop into adulthood ever since.

During the process of my own childhood development I was always mystified by the actions and attitudes of a lot of the males around me.  Why, I wondered, are so many guys so violent and brutal?  Why do they have to be so mean?  What made them that way?

A lot of my questions about male brutality were answered one day while I was studying at University.  I had gotten into a discussion with a woman studying to be a mid-wife, and since I had long been friends with an accomplished mid-wife (a mutual friend of us both) I shared my long held opinion.  That opinion, which I still hold, is that since the woman usually needs some assistance in birthing a child, I think it is obvious that the father/ husband should be trained and ready to perform that office.  He was there when the child was conceived so it is only right that he be there when the child is delivered.

I was surprised that she adamantly disagreed, asserting that men are not really equipped for that role because they, once again with the feminist trope, don't have a uterus.  I responded that it is the man's child and wife, both of whom he probably loves and feels more empathy towards than any other person is capable of.  So, I reasoned, who better to catch the baby?  We two never came to an agreement on the issue..

In the course of my normal three mile walk home from campus that early spring day, contemplating the unresolved argument, I was suddenly astounded to realize what she had denied me.  On the walk, I saw birds, male and female, building nests.  I saw trees putting out new buds and growing new limbs.  I saw them all participating in and connected with the flow of life. I realized that she was denying that connection with life to me.  She was saying that since I did not have a uterus I did not have any real and meaningful place in the flow of life.

Then, during that walk to my home, for the first time I understood and empathized with the brutal hard heartedness that so many men live with.  Happily, while I felt that attitude for the time of the walk, I did not hold on to it after that time.

I realized that the hard hearted, emotionally alienated men had come to see themselves relegated to being merely penises, useful only for impregnation, and not welcomed or needed after that for human life to sustain.  They come to regard themselves as not connected to the flow of life. The alienation that mind set engenders in the hearts of men, I realized that afternoon, is what equips men to rape, murder, steal, bully and otherwise do any damn thing they feel like.  Their natural selves, and their essential nature as a nurturing spiritual being has been denied them.  Consequently, many men internalize and embrace that alienated role they have been relegated to.  “Damn it all to hell,” becomes their silent battle cry, and it erupts from a deeply wounded heart.

Now let's consider legal abortion along with its cultural and spiritual effects on the human race.

The legal basis for abortion is the assertion that life, at least human life, does not begin at conception.  But if life doesn't begin at conception, then fatherhood doesn't begin at conception.  Going further with this line of reasoning, if fatherhood doesn't begin at conception, then fatherhood never really begins.  How can a man be held responsible for something (the start of a new human life) that happens when he is thousands of miles away, or eight months deceased, or not in any other way connected to the new human being? Men can be expected to feel a deep connection to the child only if it is considered that life begins at conception.

If it is life only when the mother says it is, then the male of the species is going to be pushed to one of two positions. Either he will begin to deal with the woman as though she is in some sense divine, and unlike himself, entitled to determine whether or not a child is alive.  On the other hand, he can withdraw his heart from the whole process, and become just a baby daddy, taking little or no interest or care in his children's lives.  In that environment, a social environment created by legalized and unlimited abortion, we can expect a decrease in the consciousness of fatherhood, an increase in single motherhood, and probably a huge increase in violent crime.

Feminists will scoff and say, “So what?  Those men, and their fragile male egos just need to buck up.”  Buck up huh?  As in harden your hearts so as to not get hurt?  Okay, sure, we can do that.  In fact, some of us are very good at it.  Do you want to meet a bunch of men that have “bucked up” to the point they are almost impossible to emotionally wound?  Go to any prison yard, especially the ones with death row hardened criminals.  Plenty of “bucked up” men there.  Do you want a world filled with such men?

That then is the point of this blog.  Consider what has happened to the culture, especially in the inner cities, since the advent of unlimited legal abortion.  There has been an astounding increase in single motherhood, going up to seventy percent or more (in some communities) of all children being raised without the biological father present in the life of the child.

At the same time, in the same neighborhoods, we see an appalling increase in all kinds of crime, such as rape, murder and theft, along with a disheartening increase in drug use, with despair and degradation on all fronts.  This seems to be the direct and inevitable result of society legalizing abortion and relegating males to a peripheral role in life. Fatherlessness and all the problems that stem from that social pathology abound.

There are a number of curses from God set down in the Bible.  The most famous are the ones we were hit with right after we ate of the forbidden fruit and were banished from the Garden of Eden.  The first said that women from then on would travail at childbirth.  That seems to be true.  Another said that from then on man would have to make his living by the sweat of his brow.  That also seems to have come true.

The fact is most people don't understand what these “curses” amount to .  They seem to think that God was sitting there concocting some kind of  punishment because we had disobeyed Him.  The truth is, to the contrary, that He was merely telling us what was going to happen to us now that we had decided to not listen to His voice and follow His guidance.  He wasn't concocting or predicting, He was predicating, telling us that since we did X, Y was going to follow.

That set of curses was pronounced very close to the beginning of the Bible.  There is another much less well known curse, at least a curse that might be released on the earth, pronounced at the end of the Old Testament.  (the Protestant Old Testament)

Those last two verses of the Old Testament, Malachi 4:5,6 reads, “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:

And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”

As we enter into an era of properly struggling over the issue of abortion in our respective states, we should all, even non-believers, allow this warning from our Creator to sink into our hearts.  Let us consider the crime, hatred, mayhem and chaos that grows in places where the consciousness of fatherhood has been diminished, and how they are probably the early symptoms of that curse from God descending on our world.  Then let us all, with empathy, compassion and understanding, deeply consider and prayerfully come together to settle this most unsettling of issues: whether or not to legalize, limit, and or prohibit abortion.


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