Aristotle to the contrary, there are only two basic forms of government, Local Community Moral Self Government, and the various forms of elitist oligarchy. “Oligarchy” is defined as rule by wealthy families and powerful special interests. Monarchy, dictatorship, aristocracy, Marxism, and the other forms of fascism always seem to have in common that things are actually run by some powerful hidden special interests and wealthy families (oligarchy). The most important aspect of all these other (besides LCMSG) forms of government is that they are all based on elitism or the idea that some elite group should rule over the rest of us.
The big appeal of this elitism, the thing that legitimizes it in the minds of the participants, is that they think they are so much smarter than the rest of us. That is their big mistake. The basic flaw with elitism can be reduced to a simple mathematical formula, namely A+B>A, where A stands for the wisdom of the elite class, and B stands for the wisdom of all the rest of humanity. This formulation is so important that it is repeated here, in large bold type.
All the mathematical formula A+B>A means is the wisdom and knowledge of all the people together will always be greater than that of any small group of people, no matter how high their intelligence. It is impossible for it to be otherwise because that small elite group with all its wisdom and knowledge will always be included in the population as a whole. Hold on though because things get worse and the equation grows to be even more of an indictment of elitism.
In an elitist system the elite 2% will be in power and truly think that they and they alone have the requisite wisdom to rule society. Due to that false assumption, their first priority will always be holding on to that power. Therefore, they will squander much of their intelligence in self-serving ways, using their power over the media and the education system to divide and degrade the people. The ruling elite will further abuse their power, intelligence and talents to entice the people into desires, attitudes and habits that leave them incapable of governing themselves or of working together freely with their fellow citizens to solve their problems.
At that point, the equation is slightly changed, it becomes
or to put it in words, A plus B, the wisdom of the elites combined with the wisdom of the masses is greater than > the wisdom of diminished A, the wisdom, knowledge and energy left in elite circles after they have expended so much effort in deceiving, degrading and oppressing the masses.
This makes the deficiency of elitism appear starker, but there is one more change to make to the equation, and that is the enhancement of the people if they are united in a system of LCMSG. That equation will look like this:
In English this means that enhanced A+B, the enhanced wisdom and knowledge of all the people united together is vastly greater than the wisdom and knowledge left to the elite after they spend themselves subverting the minds and hearts of their fellow citizens. This enhancement is what grows out of the American system as it was intended to work.
Every culture at every time has always had an elite two percent, the multi-talented folks who excel in their fields. Rather than joining together with each other in DC, New York, L.A. and Palo Alto to rule over everyone else, our elites used to behave in a much more honorable and beneficial way. In traditional America, a nation with LCMSG, those same elites mostly stayed in their hometowns and used their knowledge and talents to elevate the thinking of their neighbors. They, as part of the natural intelligentsia, kept abreast of current national and international developments and then passed that knowledge on to their fellow citizens. A+B were enhanced indeed. So much so that while he was president, Woodrow Wilson once remarked that the genius of the American people was the greatest force in the world.
Seen in this light, a truly enlightened intelligentsia would not allow itself to be cast in opposition to the people, to rule over them without their consent or understanding. It would instead see their duty as mobilizing and consolidating the wisdom of all the people. That would be the natural, best functioning mode for the elite in a healthy system of government. That was the original way that American society was supposed to operate, with local and state community self-government being the vehicle for that mobilization.
Consider how one of the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court saw things right after they had ruled against the New Deal in the Schechter case in 1935 (detailed in the FDR was a fascist post).
“The Supreme Court justices were sending a message to business. McReynolds believed that an unmistakable signal such as Schechter would hearten investors and employers.
But more important was the message they were sending to the White House. Later that day, Justice Brandeis collared the two lawyers who had advised the New Dealers so closely, Tommy Corcoran and Ben Cohen, in the justices’ robbing room. Their teacher Frankfurter’s suspicion had been correct. The justice told Corcoran: ‘This is the end of this business of centralization, and I want you to go back and tell the president that we’re not going to let this government centralize everything. It’s come to an end.’ Brandeis also added a second comment: ‘As for your young men, you call them together and tell them to get out of Washington—tell them to go home, back to the states. That is where they must do their work.’” quoted from “FDR's Folly”
That, back home in the small towns and big city neighborhoods, was and still is where a truly enlightened American intelligentsia should spend their lives and time. Staying in touch with the latest trends and highest thinking but conveying that to their friends and family in healthy, thriving communities. That is the role and place of America's elite in the egalitarian society we were founded to be, as natural leaders of healthy communities.
Instead, most of our modern American elite intelligentsia have allowed themselves to be misplaced and co-opted. Instead of fighting the good fight alongside their fellow citizens, they have been seduced into sitting in a hostile posture at the head of the evil oligarchic fascist beast. They are now smugly riding that loathsome beast in a downward spiral that will inevitably end in a totalitarian nightmare.
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