Friday, October 4, 2024

Deep 6- J-state


In all the fuss and confusion of the last decade of American political life, some important issues seem to be slipping through cracks in our awareness. Two of those issues, which time has ripened into clarity, are the existence (and threat) of the Deep State, and just exactly how much of an insurrection January 6 actually was.

The existence of the Deep State is easily demonstrated, to any open minded investigator, by taking a closer look at the Hunter Biden laptop fiasco.

It is generally understood that the computer shop owner, upon opening the hard drive, realized what a hot potato he had, and after making some judicious copies of the hard drive, handed it off to the FBI. This was around December, 2019.

The FBI did nothing with it, even though the hard drive contained evidence of multiple federal crimes. Not absolute proof, but evidence well worth investigating.

Then later, as the election of 2020 neared, it is reported that FBI agents intimidated social media companies like Facebook into reducing the exposure and distribution that the Hunter Biden laptop story got on social media.

While I can understand (but still condemn) how the Biden administration might put a thumb on the scales of DOJ justice to protect the first son once Biden was in office, in both of those aforementioned instances Donald Trump was still president. The issue that brings up, the question we should all want answered, is: Who were those agents, who was giving them their orders, why were they following them, and under what authority were these actions taken?

Other questions come up from even earlier in the fiasco; who decided to do nothing for a year with Hunter Biden's incriminating laptop? Was it just incompetent stupidity, or run of the mill bribery, or was this the result of intelligent planning by some hidden cabal, illegally operating with government resources to control the thinking of the American people by preventing us from learning the truth? I believe that when we identify the agents and scrutinize their reasoning, we will start to see a dim outline of the Deep State.

The mere existence of such a thing, a Deep State, in our ostensibly democratic republic, is a clear threat to that republic no matter how small it is. The mere existence of such an entity must motivate us to find out how big it really is. Is it nothing more than some rogue agents playing games, or is it big enough to have already engaged in domestic political mischief? How far has this bureaucratic coup gone? For that matter, how long has it been going on?

Let's stop pretending that the Deep State doesn't exist, admit that at least some few bad actors are giving and following unauthorized orders and then let's resolve to work together to find out how big it really is so as to eliminate that cancer for good.

The other issue that could use some clarification is the charge of “insurrection” that has been hurled indiscriminately at seemingly anyone who even walked by the Capitol building on January 6, 2021. According to Webster's unabridged dictionary (1983), “insurrection” is a rising up of individuals to prevent the execution of the law, by force of arms.

One presumes that such an accusation could be applied to some few individuals on January 6, but very few. Most were there (foolishly trespassing) to voice their objections to what they saw as a fraudulent election. Preventing the execution of any law was not on the minds of most of the people there that day.

What's more, by noon of the next day, January 7, 2021, it was clear that there was no ongoing effort to prevent the enforcement of any laws, or to somehow overthrow the American government. Yet many American citizens are still being held, without constitutional due process, because of that word “insurrection” being used to invoke the Patriot Act, with its' deprivation of constitutional rights.

The truly crazy making aspect to all this is that there had been many instances of far more clearly insurrectionist activity all over the nation much of the preceding year. At almost every one of the nightly riots in the summer of 2020, individuals were rising up to prevent the enforcement of the law, routinely using some kind of arms.. Every time some Antifa black block group moved in to prevent the police from arresting some rioter, they were committing insurrection. Every time a group of protesters moved past a police barricade to occupy some space or building, they were breaking the law and preventing it from being enforced.

In fact, the most clear instance of insurrection in that whole time period, far worse than J6, was the self named CHAZ enclave in Seattle. This, if you will remember, was the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, where the legal authority of the city, state, and national governments was denied, and police were not allowed to enter to enforce laws. It was openly, defiantly and proudly an insurrection, and was intended to get ever bigger, only things didn't work out that way.

The difference between CHAZ and J6 is obviously political.

Those on the left, and the Deep State is likely a part of that, are happy to call for and aid in the downfall of the American republic whenever it suits their purpose, and they are also more than willing to portray themselves as lovers of our democracy, the last true patriots, who have been forever scarred by the horrible carnage of J6.

So wave the flag on Monday, and burn it on Tuesday. It makes no difference. It is the progressive way. Whatever advances the cause of international socialism. By any means necessary.

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