Thursday, February 22, 2024

Elitism and Tyranny

All human governments have one common problem, which is that every system of government establishes seats of power; positions of authority.  Those seats of power, no matter how noble their conception, immediately at conception become attractive to the kind of people who want to have power over other people.  Consequently, no matter how we set up a government, we always end up selecting for and getting mostly deluded sociopaths for rulers.  They are the  kind of people who passionately want power over other people. This becomes an ever growing problem the more we allow the powers of government to become centralized in one big government.

 Maybe not all of our leaders fit this profile, but certainly most of them do.  Because of that elitism is always a threat to the populace as a whole, much like rust is always threatening to ruin anything made of metal.

Aristotle to the contrary, there are really only two basic forms of government, Local Community Moral Self Government, and the various forms of elitist oligarchy.  “Oligarchy” is rule by wealthy families and powerful special interests.  All the other forms of government (besides LCMSG), from dictatorship to monarchy to  aristocracy, Marxism, Fascism and all the rest always seem to have in common that things are actually run by some powerful amalgamation of hidden special interests and wealthy families (oligarchy) and all use the same pretext of elitism to keep themselves in power.

Elitism is then the idea that some elite group should rule over the rest of us.  It is a philosophy of government commonly seized upon by those aforementioned sociopaths who simply want power over others.  When they get in those positions of power they find themselves largely surrounded by like minded sociopaths, so the idea that we “superior” elites should just run things by ourselves for the good of the ignorant masses arises naturally and greatly appeals to them.

The basic flaw with elitism can be simplified to a mathematical formula, namely A+B>A, where A stands for the wisdom of the elite class, and B stands for the wisdom of all the rest of humanity.                                             


  All  A+B>A means is the wisdom and knowledge of all the people together will always be greater than the wisdom and knowledge of any small group of people, no matter how high their intelligence or thorough their knowledge.  It is impossible for it to be otherwise because that small elite group, with all its intelligence, wisdom and knowledge, will always be included in the population as a whole. 

The big downside of an elitist system is that the elite 2% will tend to seize and consolidate as much power as possible, truly believing that they and they alone have the requisite wisdom to rule society. Since it will prove impossible to maintain that conceit, at least as far as easily keeping their victims convinced of it, their first priority will always be holding on to power. 

Therefore, they will squander much of their intelligence, using their control of media and the education system, to divide and degrade the people. They will work to entice the masses into desires, attitudes and habits that leave them incapable of governing themselves or of working together freely with their fellow citizens to solve mutual problems.  At that point the people will begin to feel an increased need to have the elitists rule over them, thus rewarding the scheme of the elitists by giving them even more powers with which they will probably further degrade the masses.

At that point, the equation is changed. It becomes A+B>A,  diminished A. In words, A plus B, the wisdom of the elites combined with the wisdom of the masses is much greater than > the wisdom of diminished A , the wisdom, knowledge and energy left in elite circles after they have expended so much effort in deceiving, degrading and oppressing the masses.

This stark deficiency is not yet the worst aspect of elitism when compared to non elitist government.  In the American ideal of liberty that natural elite 2 % is embedded in and an organic part of the local community.  Then they, as credentialed and internationally accepted members of the intelligentsia who keep themselves abreast of events and ideas, and who see it as part of their civic role to translate the latest cultural developments into language that the common people (their neighbors and friends) can understand, begin to act as cultural elites who have not bitten into the tempting apple of elitism. At that point the equation becomes:   


In English this means that enhanced  A+B, the enhanced wisdom and knowledge of all the people united together is vastly greater than the wisdom and knowledge left to the isolate elitists after they have spent themselves subverting their fellow citizens.  Truly exponential enhancement of popular wisdom and knowledge could grow out of the American system if we make it work as intended. 

Every culture at every time has always had an elite 2%, the multi talented folks who excel in their fields.  Rather than joining together with each other in DC, New York, L.A. and Palo Alto to rule over the rest of us (as they do today), our elites used to behave in a much more honorable and constructive manner.  In traditional America, a nation with Local Community Moral Self Government, those same elites mostly stayed in their hometowns and used their knowledge and talents to elevate the thinking of their neighbors. Much of that positive dynamic was set in motion by our decentralizing of the powers of government, and by our system of checks and balances which wisely set one group of elected sociopaths against other groups of elected sociopaths.  It wasn't a perfect system but it did prevent the worst of elitism.

Let's switch gears a second and learn something from rats.  As individuals, rats are not typically highly intelligent animals.  When, however, they are in a mischief (that is the term), the intelligence of the rats as a group goes way up.  They effectively learn from each other.  That might be why the term “mischief” is used for a group of them.

The system of ordered liberty that developed in America resembles a mischief of rats in that it enables us to combine and effectuate the best thinking of all the people.  We can set it up again so that we learn from each other, and we will quickly re-learn that A+B is always greater than A.  Given our glorious history, it is not just a matter of faith either, but it becomes an act of faith because we must first reacquire the belief that we will find the most truth when we hear from the most voices.  We will then be most likely to find solutions to our problems.

It is obvious, but must be restated that this great liberty must be an ordered liberty, and not just devolve into a cacophony.  We have had enough cacophony lately.  So it behooves our current cultural elites, and you know who you are, to work to not only ensure that all voices are heard, but that it remains an orderly and hence meaningful process.  What's more, a truly enlightened elite might employ the finest communication, healing and psychological arts to draw out and encourage those individuals who are not polished speakers, but sincerely feel they have something worth hearing.  Let's gently draw them out.  It is my experience that from such humble thinkers great wisdom might be gained. 

Maybe they are bothered by something we are already working on.  Or maybe there is an easy fix, and the person will leave much happier for knowing it.  Or maybe it is a new and good idea that advances society.  Or maybe it is just some nut job.  If so, that will be obvious soon enough and it will be good to have elite experts in on the conversation to debunk it.

Additionally, the natural elite should not be concerned that their voices will be ignored.  We must be committed to the idea that all voices will always be heard.  We certainly need their informed analysis and profound wisdom.  Their thinking must not, however, be amplified to the exclusion of all other thinking. 

Finally, this analysis of elitism and human government should open our minds to consider why a return to the American system of Local Community Moral Self Government, as defined in the Constitution as written, is probably the only way to achieve all the goals of freedom, prosperity, social equality and equal justice under the law that we all want.  Especially, those people on the progressive left should try to hear this. While the elitists always paint a pretty picture of what they will do for the masses, their plans are always predicated on giving them all the powers that sociopath run elitist government always grabs for.. We must always keep in mind that the elitists are very unlikely to ever deliver on their promises, because it is the very existence of those problems, and their portraying themselves as the only people who can solve those problems, that causes the masses to continue to support their elitism.

In short, the way to best ensure that government actually serves the people and strengthens our communities is to return most of the powers of self government to the people in their communities.  Just as wiping a metal surface with oil is the best way to reduce the problems caused by rusting metals, re-invigorating Local Community Moral Self Government is the best way to reduce the hideous threats posed against the people by elitism.










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