Thursday, September 15, 2022

Sluts Against America


Before I get started on this blog, I should make two points.

First of all, I recognize that abortion is a complex issue, and even though I am strongly pro-life, I can see some logic in some of the arguments on the other side.  Since this issue seems to bring into conflict the two most basic American values, which are life and liberty, it is not easy for Americans to come to agreement on it.

Secondly, while this blog will focus on the political and constitutional aspects of abortion, the even more profound moral and spiritual aspects of legal abortion will be addressed in the next blog.

Sluts against America sounds harsh, but, as will be shown, it is accurate.  It is way past time we quit pussy footing around on this and all the other issues currently roiling our nation.  Let's revive an old American tradition of calling a spade a spade; of speaking in a clear and forthright manner even if it is less than delicate.

According to the latest polling data (this is being written in early September, 2022), there is a big uptick in voter registration, driven mostly by an uptick in women registering to vote. The supposition is that most of these women will vote for Democrat candidates in hopes of having large majorities in both houses of congress in 2023.  Then the expectation is that a Democrat majority will vote to codify the right to perform abortions in federal law.

There is a major constitutional problem with this.  Even though we, as a nation, are woefully uneducated about our system of government, it is still clear to any thinking person that the Tenth Amendment forbids federal action in any areas where the Constitution, or its amendments, have not properly delegated that power to the federal government.

That is why Roe was always bad law, and why Dobbs, in returning the power to legislate about abortion to the states, is good law.  Dobbs complies with the Constitution, Roe did not.

The issue will not be so easily resolved by codifying Roe, to use the popular shorthand, because any such law will still violate the Constitution and should therefore be struck down. Similarly, if the Republicans were to gain majorities in both houses, any attempt on their part to codify a right to life as it relates to abortion would also be unconstitutional, for the same reason.  The Constitution does not address abortion, and so it should remain an issue to be worked out in the states.

The way to change that, the only proper way to involve the federal government in the abortion issue, would be by constitutional amendment.  Since that would require a two thirds majority in both houses of congress, and approval of three fourths of the state legislatures, that is not likely to happen, either for or against legal abortion, for decades if ever.  Abortion should remain an issue to be decided by the states through their respective political processes.

            Nonetheless, those on the left will likely refuse to recognize constitutional process and stubbornly forge on to enshrine what they call  “pro choice” policy into law.  It must be noted here that the real choice being insisted on is the ability to choose light hearted, casual, irresponsible and unaccountable fornication over the life of any child that might be conceived.  Sure, the progressives can always trot out a sad case of child rape or some similar tragedy to push our emotional buttons, and some of those cases probably do merit compassionate and possibly exempting consideration.  The fact remains, however, that the real motivation for the vast majority supporting abortion rights is that they, individually and as a group, male and female, want to ensure themselves consistent access to easy and irresponsible sexual activity.  After all, there are only two truly reliable forms of birth control, abstinence and abortion, and abstinence never even got on these folks' short list.  That's why it is accurate to refer to them collectively as “sluts.”  What follows explores how their lust has set them against America itself.

The heavy handed albeit best case scenario as the sluts see it (and why their agenda goes against America), is to win the midterms in a blue wave.  By the end of January, they expect a new law requiring unrestricted abortion to be legalized in all the states. No doubt our good, Catholic, President Biden will sign that unconstitutional abomination.

Then it will come down to the Supreme Court, which will probably agree to hear such an important case on an expedited basis.  Given the propensity of this court, the first in decades, to actually consult the Constitution for guidance about how to rule on the constitutionality of laws, it is likely they will courageously take a stand and strike the new law down.

Then the Democrat leadership, with its slut and whore monger base firmly behind it, will probably vote to first end the senate filibuster, and then to pack the court.  They have already threatened to do so, and unlike any law about abortion, the Constitution does give congress the power to change the makeup of the court.

But what kind of justices will they rush to appoint?  It will undoubtedly be people who don't accept the Constitution as written, because that is the only way to get unrestricted universal abortion approved.  So, the new court, with thirteen, or fifteen or whatever number of justices will no longer use the Constitution as a guide, or even as a ludicrous “living” fig leaf (as they have done for decades).  Rather, they will see and use the Constitution as an obsolete dead letter, and get the people to go along with that stance.  They will then consider themselves authorized to rule in any way they can get away with.  In other words, they will become, more than ever, the willing tools of an increasingly totalitarian fascist oligarchy. 

Then the phony green agenda, or at least the way it is being implemented, will continue to impoverish us and enrich China.  The sexualization and perversion of small children will continue at a breakneck pace.  Our national non-inflation and non-recession will get ever worse.  Criminals and drug gangs will gain even more control in our cities as life there becomes unlivable.  The Biden regime, which was elected on the promise to unite us, will continue treating half the population as domestic terrorists and will be able to harass any and all political opponents using weaponized federal law enforcement agencies.  The invasive influx of illegals will grow worse, as will the ruined lives of the drug addicted and the size of the homeless encampments.  All this and more will follow if the left gets clean away with all the outrages of the last two years.  They can be stopped only by voting them out

But you sluts will have gotten what you want; a social environment that promises never ending easy-to-hook-up fornication.  To get that wonderful goal, all you had to do was give away your birthright to free self government, which will afflict you, and the few progeny you allow to live, for centuries to come.  When that same overbearing government that so delighted you by giving its permission to your lust filled behavior decides to pass some law you hate, what recourse will you have?  If you are forced into work camps you will find yourselves defenseless.  If you are suddenly restricted in your sexual activities after it is discovered (I am shocked, shocked I say) that some forms of sexual expression cause and transmit disease, and are therefore to be made illegal; what will you do?

Will you look around and finally realize that the court which so happily abandoned the
Constitution to give you your lust's desire has now left you bereft of any constitutional rights with which to oppose their repressions?  You will probably also find that the federal government, with the imprimatur of a now supine court, has seized the power to monitor and control the most intimate details of your private lives. That is exactly what you, or the next generation, will find and then you will realize how foolish it was to trade your birthright for a romp in the sack.

That's why you female sluts and your stud muffin “boyfriends” ought to pause and give long thought about uniting to force your perversions and murders on the rest of the nation.  This is especially true since you can legitimately and constitutionally fight for the same goals at the state level, and probably win some of those battles.  That state by state approach, while slower, would prevent your taking part in delivering another serious, possibly fatal, body blow to the fragile remains of our cherished American republic.  Even more importantly, going about this abortion debate in a state by state manner will allow the dire cultural, moral and spiritual effects of legalized abortion in some states to be contrasted with the beneficial cultural effects in other states that seek to revere, and hold as precious, all human life.           

That kind of object lesson, using the fifty states as fifty social laboratories, would be of great benefit to us all, and would be scuttled by your scheme to force the issue at the federal level.  What those moral and spiritual ramifications of legal abortion might be will be held up for scrutiny in the next blog.

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