How, and Why, to Save
our once glorious Republic, seems to be circling the drain, on its'
declining way to join history's other failed republics. The stakes in this moment are astronomical; either continue on this decline and end up in some form of enslaved dictatorship. Or reverse course, and we can gather the tools to actually build our own golden age.
There is a
way out of this trap, but the first step is for us to think our way
out of it. If we must also fight our way out of it, either
culturally, politically, or militarily, none of those efforts will
succeed if we have not first thought out way out of it. Moreover, if
we do think our way out of this trap, we might not have to do any
other real fighting. This plan offers that way to think our way out
of American decline and stand a real chance at a golden future.
we can understand and implement the plan to save America, we must
first examine the process which has brought us to this desperate
moment in history, a moment where America obviously needs saving.
Since the decline and near fall of the American Republic is a large,
multifaceted story, it will be best to start at the beginning and
look at it one step at a time. Once we have looked at what was done
to us, it will be much easier to comprehend what a precious treasure
we are losing, and how (and why) we can revive our dying treasure of
Liberty. In overly broad strokes, (in depth analysis on each of the
major subjects will be linked as appropriate) the narrative of
America's decline goes like this.
first dysfunction in our republic was when we did not wholeheartedly
embrace the “all” part of liberty and justice for all. No link
is needed to prove this. While this has been a debilitating and
shameful problem, it did not prevent many positive aspects of Liberty
from manifesting in our public life. In fact, the ongoing efforts of
many people to overcome this flaw have been some of the most
inspiring chapters in our national story. When we get to the section
of this essay dealing with remedies, the first stipulation will be
that we must sincerely commit to that “all” part this time
around, or nothing else can possibly work.
second major dysfunction (there were only two) was caused by the
advent of the telegraph in 1844. This electronic communication
medium became the means by which the wealthy gained effective control
of the free press, a problem the founders of our nation had not
anticipated. They reasoned that if the national government could not
make any law prohibiting a free press then the press would, as a
whole, remain free. Because of the resulting competitive marketplace
of ideas, the truth would always find its way to the minds of the
the coming of the telegraph, some few wealthy newspaper owners could
lay telegraph lines from city to city, for instance between
Washington and New York. This gave them such a competitive advantage
(vital news of legislative actions days before any other newspaper)
that their circulation swelled. Then they could sell more
advertising, which allowed them to charge less for the daily paper.
More current news, and more of it, for a penny a copy versus older
news, and less of it, for ten cents a copy. The reading public made
the obvious choice and the Penney Newspapers soon dominated the
of the papers that survived that market shakeout were either owned by
rich people (therefore advocating for their interests) or were
dependent on wire services the newspapers subscribed to, which sent
to them telegraphed news reports. This resulted in very few points of
view in newspapers coast to coast. Additionally, almost all the
newspapers had to sell advertising to compete, so they became
dependent on advertising which meant they all tended to defend the
interests of the wealthy.
the press, while free of governmental controls, had ceased, by
approximately 1880, being a loyal watchdog for the people's
interests. Curiously, the press never bothered informing the people
of this fact. This hidden dysfunction then enabled all the
usurpations and abuses which followed, because the free press no
longer worked to identify threats to the people's Liberty, nor to
explain to the people why such threats were important.
long train of abuses and usurpations followed, each one symbiotically
contributing to a cultural decline which paved the way for the next
abuse or usurpation. There were three major usurpations, with a
number of minor ones, which totally changed our form of government
over the course of eight decades without the people even realizing
it. The first of these major usurpations was the proclamation of
corporate personhood, by the Supreme Court, in 1886. (Santa Clara
County v Southern Pacific Railroad, 118 US 394)
concept of corporate personhood paved the way for the monopoly and
trust era of American business, also known as the Robber Barron or
Gilded Age. That was because when corporations gained the status of
persons, that status was used as a pretext to give them the
protections guaranteed to persons under the 14th
Amendment. Thus, almost all state level regulation of corporations
became unconstitutional. In that way, the powers of economic self
government were usurped from our communities. Read about this change
here. Sorry, these blog links are not live (I can't figure out how to make them live), so copy and paste to your browser, or just highlight and hit go to link, or whatever works for you. But these links do fill in vital information.
suddenly unbridled corporations (and heretofore unheard of interstate
corporations !) running roughshod over the people, and state
governments no longer having the powers to protect their citizens
from corporate abuse, the people began to feel local and state
governments to be incompetent, and therefore feel a need for the
federal government to protect them. This is the first instance of one
usurpation perverting the culture and paving the way for another
series of abuses and usurpations.
popular demand for federal intervention resulted in the Progressive
Era, which gave us all sorts of minor abuses and usurpations, such as
the Food and Drug Act of 1905, the Federal Reserve, the IRS, direct
election of senators, and prohibition of alcohol. The only
undeniably good change to come out of that era was women's suffrage.
worst aspect of the Progressive era was the adoption of a generally
elitist attitude on the part of the federal government and its
bureaucracies. With the bias toward the powerful in the press, and
the advent of corporate dominance, it was reasoned (by leaders like
Walter Lippmann and Woodrow Wilson) that the common person was no
longer capable of understanding the complexities of modern
fact, they were essentially correct, but not for the reasons they
thought. With the transfer of powers from the local to the federal
governments, the issues, and how they were framed and decided,
evolved into something the ordinary person, in the small town or
local neighborhood, could not understand. Affairs of state are beyond
their ken when those affairs are conducted at such a distance and on
such a scale. Montesquieu, Jefferson, De Toqueville and Chesterton
all warned about this problem.
It is
not that the people had suddenly become brainless scarecrows, but
that it is only when real issues of government are decided locally
that the common person can feel competence and mastery in dealing
with them. By removing the powers of government from local hands, in
response to the ravages caused by corporations being seen as persons,
the most basic dynamic of democracy was scuttled, the former active
citizens becoming mere subjects. The resulting apathy frustrated
would be reformers, like the young Walter Lippmann, which eventually
caused him to despair of democracy altogether.
the anointed ones reasoned, the decisions of government should be
handed over to trained experts who would administer government and
better defend the interests of the masses than the people could
themselves. This view was enthusiastically embraced by leaders and
the now empowered federal bureaucrats. It was equally embraced by
most journalists, who now saw their mission changed, from one of
informing a self governing citizenry, to one of manufacturing
consent (for the people's own good) among an increasingly ignorant,
supine and sheep like populace. Again, usurpations changed the
culture into one more accepting of even more usurpations
all the progressive changes in force, and corporate personhood still
unnoticed and unchallenged, the whole structure came crashing down in
the Great Depression of 1929-1941. Predictably, since the press was
increasingly the monopolized tool of the wealthy, ending corporate
personhood was never even considered as a solution to economic woes.
Rather, in a series of unconstitutional and illegal moves, FDR used
the economic crisis to run a fascist coup from 1933 to 1937. This
second major usurpation of powers from the states and localities to
the federal government took almost all the powers, and
responsibilities of social self government from the people.
those changes, Social Security, which FDR first established in a
popular political move to win the 1936 election, had a much more
detrimental effect on our culture than is generally recognized. Here
is a link that will explain how.
all these usurpations and abuses hidden from our minds by a
treasonous free press, and those engines of cultural destruction
operating at full throttle, the changes were consolidated in our
minds as we endured the remainder of the Great Depression and came
through World War 2. At the end of that war we emerged as a nation
completely different than the one the people thought they had. Since
we still had elections and the other trappings of democracy, no one
noticed. What's more, since we had just triumphed in the biggest war
ever waged, we assumed our system was functioning well, especially
since the still trusted (but secretly corrupted) media was not
telling us any different. Usurpations had mutilated the culture,
laying the groundwork for even more usurpations and abuses.
after the end of World War 2, the last of the major usurpations was
affected, which was the taking of the powers of moral self government
from we, the people, in our communities. This was done by a Supreme
Court ruling, (Everson v Board of Education, 330 U.S. 1) in 1947
wherein the Court opined at length that the 1st
Amendment was suddenly seen as contained within the 14th
Amendment, because of its' requirement that all privileges and
immunities must apply to all citizens. Suddenly the idea of a
separation of church and state was to be applied to the states, as
was a prohibition on any kind of restriction on speech or press.
people weren't informed about these changes until thirteen years
later (that pesky corporate controlled press again) when it was
suddenly sprung on us to throw prayer out of schools in the early
1960's. While this monumental change was generally accepted, with
only small whimpers of objection, it amounted to yet another
usurpation of power from the states and localities to the federal
government. This time they took from us the powers of moral self
government. This usurpation amounted to a uniquely perfect crime,
because the victims of this crime consider themselves to be its
beneficiaries. Read in detail how this change was affected, and why
it is so destructive to American free self government.
review what has been done to us politically, and how it has warped us
culturally. In a process that stretched from 1886 to 1963, with a
treasonous free press keeping it all quiet, the powers of economic,
social, and moral self government were taken from we, the people, in
our communities. This has greatly changed the dynamics of political
power in our nation, transforming it from a locally self governing
republic into something more akin to a continental size fascist
oligarchy. Far worse, in making these changes, in removing actual
self government from us as citizens of communities, it has almost
completely killed the most important dynamic of Liberty, the one
thing that made our republic work well when it did work well. That forgotten blessing of Liberty is the
fervent, morality inducing, consciousness of self government living
in the hearts of a free people.
dire philosophical consequence of these changes becomes clear when we
resort to the thoughts of the esteemed Thomas Jefferson, recorded in
a couple of private letters to friends.
country is too large to have all its affairs directed by a single
government. Public servants at such a distance, and from under the
eye of their constituents, must, from the circumstance of distance,
be unable to administer and overlook all the details necessary for
the good government of the citizens, and the same circumstance, by
rendering detection impossible to their constituents, will invite the
public agents to corruption, plunder, and waste. And I do verily
believe, that if the principle were to prevail, of a common law being
in force in the United States…, it would become the most corrupt
government on the earth…” This is from a letter to Gideon
Granger, 1800.4.
In the
same vein in another letter to William T. Barry, 1822, Jefferson
ever this vast country is brought under a single government, it will
be one of the most extensive corruption.”5.
in echo to Jefferson, another great student of democratic republican
government laid out his thoughts. In Democracy
in America, Alexis DeTocqueville wrote:
the strength of free peoples resides in the local community. Local
institutions are to liberty what primary schools are to science; they
put it within the people’s reach, they teach people to appreciate
its peaceful enjoyment and accustom them to make use of it. Without
local institutions a nation may give itself a free government, but it
has not got the spirit of liberty. Passing passions, momentary
interest, or chance circumstances may give it the external shape of
independence, but the despotic tendencies which have been driven into
the interior of the body social will sooner or later break out on the
is obliquely referring to what can be thought of as the greatest
blessing of liberty, which is the kind of moralizing synergy that a
system of Local Community Moral Self Government tends to generate. As the founders noted, and warned, it requires a
moral citizenry to maintain our system free self government. The other side of that coin, the corollary, is also vitally true. Only a truly free and self governing people living in that system of LCMSG
tends to realize and resonate with the reasons to be moral.
That almost completely lost and
forgotten dynamic is that when people are truly free and self
governing (and that can happen only in local community) the very fact
of their self governance sets in motion a positive synergy which
tends to produce a moral, aroused citizenry. There will be more on
this subject in the post about LCMSG. At this point it will just be
noted that as we, as a nation, have lost that vital moralizing synergy, the
problems of immorality have come to loom ever larger.
cultural decline that has resulted from this long train of
usurpations and abuses has brought us to this point where America is
poised on a cliff of doom and ruin. We are caught in a negative,
downward spiraling synergy of a declining morality leading to more
authoritarian government which leads to even more moral decline which
leads to even more authoritarian government. The way out of this
downward spiral is to refound out republic on the same sound basis of
Local Community Moral Self Government that we used the first time.
the following prediction from Alexis DeTocqueville published in 1835.
DeTocqueville's Warning
I think that the type of oppression threatening democracy will not be
like anything there has been in the world before; our contemporaries
would not be able to find any example of it in their memories. I,
too, am having difficulty finding a word which will exactly convey
the whole idea I have formed; the old words despotism and tyranny are
not suitable. This is a new phenomenon which I must, therefore,
attempt to define since I can find no name for it.
I wish
to imagine under what new features despotism might appear in the
world: I see an innumerable crowd of men, all alike and equal, turned
in upon themselves in a restless search for those petty, vulgar
pleasures with which they fill their souls. Each of them, living
apart, is almost unaware of the destiny of all the rest. His
children and personal friends are for him the whole of the human
race; as for the remainder of his fellow citizens, he stands
alongside them but does not see them;, he touches them without
feeling them; he exists only in himself and for himself; if he still
retains his family circle, at any rate he may be said to have lost
his country.
these men stands an immense and protective power which alone is
responsible for looking after their enjoyments and watching over
their destiny. It is absolute, meticulous, ordered, provident, and
kindly disposed. It would be like a fatherly authority, if, father
like, its aim were to prepare men for manhood, but it seeks only to
keep them in perpetual childhood; it prefers its citizens to enjoy
themselves provided they have only enjoyment in mind. It works
readily for their happiness but it wishes to be the only provider and
judge of it. It provides their security, anticipates and guarantees
their needs, supplies their pleasures, directs their principal
concerns, manages their industry, regulates their estates, divides
their inheritances. Why can it not remove from them entirely the
bother of thinking and the troubles of life?
it reduces daily the value and frequency of the exercise of free
choice; it restricts the activity of free will within a narrower
range and gradually removes autonomy itself from each citizen.
Equality has prepared men for all this, inclining them to tolerate
all these things and often even to see them as a blessing.
the ruling power, having taken each citizen one by one into its
powerful grasp and having molded him to its own liking, spreads it
arms over the whole of society, covering the surface of social life
with a network of petty, complicated, detailed, and uniform rules
through which even the most original minds and the most energetic
spirits cannot reach the light in order to rise above the crowd. It
does not break men’s wills but it does soften, bend, and control
them; rarely does it force men to act but it constantly opposes what
actions they perform; it does not destroy the start of anything but
it stands in its way; it does not tyrannize but it inhibits,
represses, drains, snuffs out, dulls so much effort that finally it
reduces each nation to nothing more than a flock of timid and
hardworking animals with the government as shepherd.”5.
society DeTocqueville describes seems to be the one in which we find
ourselves. The assertion here is that this woeful state of affairs
is the direct and inevitable outgrowth of the three major usurpations
of the powers of economic, social, and moral self-determination
(especially the moral) from our communities, These usurpations have
resulted in an atomized, unworkable definition of liberty being
imposed on us. This atomized, alienated, powerless mindset of the
modern American must be contrasted with the involved, connected, and
sincere citizen that used to be the norm in America, and would (it is
here asserted) tend to be produced if these powers of self-government
were restored to the states and localities.
going into the remedies to our problems, which is a feasible plan to
restore our republic to its original architecture, it must be
emphasized that such a refounding must start by thoroughly rejecting
our first major dysfunction, which is racism. Additionally, there is
a way to use the electronic media to overcome the second dysfunction
, which was the corruption of the press by big business interests.
We can't, however, get ahead of our narrative, so let us first
consider what kind of society we can expect to live in if we restore
to ourselves proper constitutional order.
that picture of LCMSG firmly planted in our minds, we begin to form
an answer to the question of, “Why save America?” The answer is
because Liberty, on the American plan is what will transform us into
the kind of people, and citizenry, who can rise above all challenges,
and actually find our way to a better world. However, before we jump
into the final section of this treatise, that of how to make the
changes required to refound our Republic, one more detour to another
linked essay is called for, this one to further motivate us about the
“why” of LCMSG. We will now examine the usually ignored and
unnoticed perils of elitism. This because it is elitism which is the
beating dark heart of all the other forms of government, from Marxism
to socialism to monarchy to aristocracy to oligarchy to plain old
fashioned dictatorship. Some form of elitism is what we will be stuck
with if we don't get back to Liberty. We should comprehend how
inherently evil that dynamic is.
elitism behind, hopefully, please God, forever, we can now get to the
best part; how we might actually put our glorious Republic back
together. The first step is to commit to doing this together, as the
American people. Whether your predecessors were living on this land
before Europeans got here, or they came from China yesterday. If
they were from Vietnam, Congo, Brazil, India, Poland, Polynesia, Nigeria, Spain, Ireland or Mongolia. If your
people came over on the Mayflower or were brought in a slave ship, or
even if they got here by swimming the Rio Grande. If they, and you,
came seeking the blessings of freedom, then it is time we all came
together, as equal Americans, and agree to put our Republic back on
the sound basis of Local Community Moral Self Government.
In all that follows, where ever you came from in search
of Liberty, allow the words, thoughts and principles put forth by the
American Founders become your thoughts, let them take deep root in
your heart. As Benjamin Franklin warned, if we don't hang together,
we will most certainly hang separately.
Refounding the American
first step in re-founding our nation is restoring the First
Amendment. Legally, this will be easy to accomplish if we, the
people, want to. If we are convinced that America has always been a
good idea, and that this re-founding is a good idea, fixing the
misuse of the First Amendment will be relatively easy. Congress can
fix the Court's blunder by using a long dormant check contained in
the Constitution. In Article III, Section 2, the second sentence of
the second paragraph of the Constitution says;
all other cases before mentioned the supreme court shall have
appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such
exceptions, and under such regulations, as the congress shall make.”
this clearly means is that Congress can make exceptions to the
appellate jurisdiction of the Court. Once again, it will take the
people united coming to the determination that change should be made
and then demanding representatives and senators act on that
determination (or electing new ones). The change could then take
place overnight, and the states would naturally come in to fill the
vacuum, picking up the scepter of moral self-government. In that way,
the issues of church and state, freedom of speech and press, and
freedom of assembly would rise no further than the supreme courts of
the various states. Or the Supreme Court could simply reverse the
wrong headed blunder they made in Everson v Board of Education and
save us the trouble.
we actually start to refound this nation, starting with these moral
issues makes sense for two reasons. First, this initial change will
be fairly easy to accomplish once the political will exists. Second,
once we make these changes some of the social and political aspects
of a free society will start to take organic root. As these powers
devolve to the states, we will rediscover that our states provide a
more accessible and conciliatory arena for our political disputes.
We will be able to make laws on these subjects without making
questionable presumptions on our constitutions since the states have
far more latitude, fewer limits, in the making of laws than does the
federal government. We are likely to find more nuanced compromises
on some of the burning issues and not so easily enter into the
current mode of completely disregarding the concerns of those on the
other side as we work to jam our values down their throats.
more, on a social level, returning these moral issues to the states
will reinvigorate a couple of social institutions of a free society.
First will be the kind of civic societies we used to have. We could
expect, in a nation that had restored the powers of moral
self-government to the states and localities, for these civic
societies, clubs and organizations to arise and function to keep tabs
on what locals and other places are doing and organize to defend
folks from fanatic extremism.
as the cultural outlines of the newly re-founded nation become clear,
we will probably enter into a time of folks relocating to live in
communities within which they find a better personal fit. Even
though this process of moving to some better place will probably
never end (it goes on today), since new generations with new desires
for life continue to be born, after a while it will slow down. In
the end, almost by definition, we will be in a nation with more
harmony, certainly between neighbors in community and probably
between communities. There will simply be much less to fight about.
further, by allowing stark cultural differences between communities
and allowing individuals to migrate between them, we will cause the
idea of “the consent of the governed,” to gain some real traction
in the hearts and minds of the people. We will thereby greatly
increase the legitimacy and hence stability of government. This
renewed sense of the legitimacy of government will grow organically
because we will all have much more of a hand in our own governance
and not be stuck merely accepting what was done by those in the past.
We, as individuals, will be much more able to consent (or not) to our
own governance.
next item on the agenda of re-founding our nation will be to end
corporate personhood and any affiliated, peripheral, legal doctrines
which have worked to take the powers of economic self-determination
away from people in their communities. This will be a more
problematic change than the changes around moral self-government for
a number of reasons.
of all, since the change to corporate personhood was murkier than the
twisting of the First Amendment, the remedy to the problem is not so
easy to identify. Assuming, once again, that the vast majority of
the people desire this change to take place, there would be a number
of ways we might proceed.
one thing, we could possibly use that same check in Article III,
Section 2 quoted earlier. It gives congress power to “.... make
exceptions. . .and... regulations...” to the court's appellate
jurisdiction, which could be a way to return the powers of corporate
chartering and regulation to the states. Another way might be by
some new statute, or even some new Amendment to the Constitution,
which rescinds the doctrine of corporate personhood. Whatever means
we would employ, we would still want to proceed with calm
deliberation and patience.
the case with the powers of moral self-government, the business world
might not immediately, in a healthy way, fill the vacuum created by
states once again exercising the powers of corporate regulation. A
thriving economy needs a stable investment environment so any major
change like this, once the concept gets accepted, should affect
changes in planned phases . We will not want to recklessly destroy
community benefiting businesses while we are otherwise engaged in
trying to clean up the mess. In other words, the economy is a living
thing and should be modified with great care and compassion.
more, in order to empower states and communities to once again
regulate corporations, we will, as a nation, probably have to
withdraw from most, if not all, of the international trade agreements
we have entered into. This is because most of them, and certainly
the big one, GATT, have abrogated such regulation, taking those
powers away from our federal congress and even the federal courts.
These agreements have handed corporate regulation over to anonymous
international boards set up to adjudicate disputes in secret and
whose rulings cannot be appealed. Any withdrawal from these treaties
will probably require at least six months advance notice.
As we
start to make this change, we can expect the voices of commerce to
howl mightily that the path we are following will destroy
civilization. They will fight against it like cornered wild animals.
Ending corporate personhood promises to be one of the monumental
battles of the ages.
we do make these changes, however, those same economic actors will
calm down, find new ways to make a profit, and learn to share in the
resulting cultural benefits along with the rest of us. In other
words, with enough clear eyed determination, we can actually return
the powers of economic self-determination to our communities and
eventually even most of the rich folks will come to appreciate it.
third area of major reforms that must be undertaken in the
re-founding of our republic is the area of all those social and
related programs from the time of FDR, and the socialism that came
after him, and even the mistakes from earlier Progressive era. This is a huge morass of
issues that have little or no relation to each other and thus defy
some kind of single remedy. Most of them have little or no
constitutional basis and, even the ones which were constitutionally
established, such as the IRS, or direct election of senators, violate
some core principles of American governmental philosophy and should
be revisited.
as we are by this huge morass, this tangled ball of spaghetti, our
own Gordian knot so to speak, we must first decide how to proceed.
There is a saying that the best way to eat an elephant, if one must
deal with that problem, is one bite at a time. Using that logic in
dealing with this Gordian knot of issues, it will be wise to proceed
with a continuing resolution in Congress.
Such a
resolution will require an honest listing of all the functions the
federal government has taken on without having proper constitutional
delegation. Along with the list, the resolution will call on
Congress to either devolve each of the functions of government back
to the states, propose and ratify some new amendment to the
Constitution to delegate that function to the federal government, or
to find some such delegation of power in the existing body or
amendments of the Constitution. It must also stipulate that a finding
of delegation like that must rely on an originalist, plain reading of
the Constitution and not be concocted out of the penumbra or
supposedly hidden meaning of old words. Additionally, we must not
allow the underhanded use of either the commerce clause or the
general welfare clause as a way to cover everything imaginable, in
other words as a rationale for totalitarian government. It is
delusional to assert that the founders meant to establish that kind
of government with those words.
each new session of congress met and took up that same resolution,
the huge morass of issues will get smaller. In most cases, the
remedy will consist of safely and, perhaps in a phased way, returning
some function of government to the states or localities. On some few
issues, we might determine that it would be better to enshrine that
function at the federal level via a new constitutional amendment.
Over time, we would approach unto the goal of the continuing
resolution, which is to get to where the activities of the federal
government comply completely with the words written in the
Constitution. This would be a glorious work even if we never
completed it perfectly, and a tremendous gift to bestow on our
Throughout the process of restoring LCMSG, the forces
and interests which have benefited so much from us losing our free
and self governing republic will ferociously fight against our every
move. They will object to losing their power over us. Make no
mistake, their resistance will be formidable and their arguments,
while false, will be difficult for people to see through.
The first argument will be ridicule, and that will be
reinforced by asserting that our modern lives and conveniences, our
high tech society, are dependent on maintaining both centralized
government and centralized big corporations. While that seems, at
first blush, to be a strong point, on further examination it
The reason is that our high tech civilization is not
really the product of either big government or big corporations, but
rather it is the result of the ongoing industrial revolution. While
that revolution has been greatly aided by the American Patent office,
that office was established and working productively long before the
era of big business or big government. In fact, a strong case can be
made that big government interference with the patent office (corrupt
politicians making sure that some patents are extended much longer
than they should be) has inhibited our technological growth. The
same case can, and is, made that big business has long had a practice
of buying up patents which might cause existing products to lose
customers, and hiding them away from public use.
Another strong example of the idea that it is
technology, not big government or big business, which has enabled our
modern advantages, is that of summer fruit being sold in our
groceries during winter. A local paper made the point that this
benefit is possible only because of the big GATT treaty. The
response is- bananas.
That's right bananas, which also come from the tropics,
and have been available for decades during our long northern winters,
without those trade treaties. The reason we can now purchase
mangoes, starfruit, melons, kiwifruit, and other tropical or summer
delights during our winters is not because of the trade treaties, but
because jet travel has become inexpensive enough to make those summer
fruits affordable. Bananas ripen much more slowly, and because of
that have traditionally been transported by banana boats for good
profit. It was the new technology, not big government or big business
or big international treaties that made summer fruits available in
winter. It is the ongoing technological revolution that enables our
modern lifestyles, and not the dubious benefits of either big
business or big government.
The Open Media
This bring us to the major obstacle we have to overcome
to get our Republic founded again. That obstacle is the second
malfunction, the fact that we still have a media controlled by the
big money interests. While the process of putting our Republic back
together makes sense, and it should be workable, the fact is that it
has no chance as long as we still have no free marketplace of ideas.
With their control of the media, big tech, education, publishing and
virtually any other source of information, not only can we not win
the debate, the truth is we can never even get the debate started.
Their control of the media is virtually total, which is how we got
into this mess in the first place.
The solution to this impasse is to do what was done in
Ancient Athens in time of crisis, and that is to establish a public
forum so these ideas can be discussed, even if the rich and powerful
don't want that discussion to take place. The way we can establish
this long needed free marketplace of ideas is called the Open Media
Amendment, and is explained in this last linked post
there we have it, the plan that explains how, and why, we can save
America. The first thing we have to do is establish the Open Media by
way of ratifying one new constitutional amendment. This will be the
battle of the ages, which will require each of us to hold on to this
revolutionary idea in the face of relentless bombardment from the
worst, most effective brainwashing and indoctrination machine the
world has ever known. We would be wise to not even consider entering
this battle until and unless we are fully persuaded that we want to
be free and self governing citizens again.
when the alternative they will offer is to remain as essentially fat,
tame, and docile house cats. That seems to be a good, easy, albeit
boring and purposeless life, but it is a much easier life than the
life of a free citizen. The only real drawback to that life as a
dependent house cat of the fascist oligarchy is when it is recognized
that the ultimate destination of that life is to become either a
slave or a batch of taco meat. If that doesn't appeal to you, then
consider taking on the role, powers and challenges of being a free
citizen. Set your heart and mind to it and realize the battle begins
by getting an Open Media Amendment ratified.
we establish the Open Media, empowering ourselves with a true public
forum, the battle will be just getting started. The Open Media will
not be just about reestablishing LCMSG. It can't be, because
everyone will be able to bring up whatever subject they want. But
those of us who want to be free again would be able to use it to that
purpose. Then, every other reform detailed here could be carried
out, one reform at a time. But we will have to vigorously insist on
getting this agenda carried, every step of the way.
we could get the First Amendment back to its original use, enabling
us to live much more moral lives, and to teach morality to the young
in our schools. Then we could end corporate personhood, enabling us
to put the corporate beast back on a short leash of community
accountability. Then we could restore almost all the powers and
responsibilities of government back to local control, and return our
Constitution to actually meaning what it says.
all those changes, we would almost undoubtedly transform ourselves
from being passive sheeple and back into being active, engaged and
moral citizens. In that mode, with all the people groups of the
world together, for the first time, as free and self governing
Americans, we will start to harvest the delightful fruit of Liberty.
We will have much more social harmony, prosperity, understanding and
peace, domestically and with the world in general.
importantly, with that structure of Local Community Moral Self
Government revived and fully functioning, we will find that we really
do, as a people, have an ever rising social and spiritual
consciousness. When that is combined with an ongoing Open Media, we
could feasibly be looking at the genesis of a Golden Age, in
American, and probably in the whole planet. That would be the fruit
of our quest for freedom, and it is much more attractive than the
slave ship earth future offered by the non freedom alternatives.
conclusion we, the people, can now proceed, informed about the steps
necessary to restore our republic. What's more, let us be motivated
to take on this glorious work because we now understand the great
blessing American Liberty will be, once it is restored, to our souls,
spirit, and culture. Now, let us consider how perfectly appropriate
this revolutionary movement is by recalling some of the words from
what is probably the most important political document ever written.
Our founding document, the Declaration of Independence.
starts, “When in the course of human events. . .”
blah blah. Skip some of it to get to the good parts.
hold these truths to be self-evident: - that all men are created
equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are
instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of
the governed; ...”
some more to get to the really powerful and for our purposes,
pertinent section
indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be
changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly, all
experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while
evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the
forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses
and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a
design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it
is their duty, to throw off such government and to provide new guards
for their future security.”
essay has revealed the long train of abuses and usurpations we have
been subjected to. What's more, it is pretty clear that they “evince
a design to reduce them (us) under absolute despotism.” In other
words, it shows there is a conspiracy in motion to enslave us. Yes,
that is undeniably what it means, and it was signed by some truly
great men.
So it
says we have a right and duty to throw off such government. Happily,
because this is the United States of America, the alternative
government we reach for after throwing this one off doesn't have to
be something new and untested. Rather, we have merely to return to,
refound, the architecture and dynamics of the government we were
originally founded on.
says we have a duty to make this change. This is, of course, a duty
we owe first of all to ourselves, each other, and our descendants,
but it goes much further than that. Since our nation is so rich and
so powerful, our duty to control our government is a duty we owe to
all our fellow human beings.
more, our off-the-leash government has led to an off the leash
commercial empire, and a totally out of control industrial
revolution. That has caused a huge amount of human suffering while
rendering humanity into a virtual cancer on the face of the planet.
Consequently, our duty also extends to the plants and animals,
nature, the planet as a whole, and even to the Creator of all nature.
We have an absolute, urgent duty to get control of our government,
our corporations, and the hideous technological beast they have
thus have a right and a duty to reverse the downfall of our republic,
and we now have the knowledge of how to do that, and an understanding
of why it is so important.
our Creator grant us the requisite courage, wisdom, faith, mutual
regard, understanding, respect and love to answer this challenge.
May God continue to bless the United States of America and grant us
to once again become a blessing to the entire planet.
E Pluribus Unum
read this afterword too